TSS Photography by the Numbers

Purchasing a franchise is a decision heavily influenced by numbers. How much will you need to get started? Should you lease office space? How long will it take to receive your products once you start doing business?

The total cost of starting a TSS Photography franchise will depend on several factors. Some factors include the size of your territory and its population, your career experience and skills, and what equipment and supplies you already own.

Each experience when purchasing a franchise is different with TSS, because each individual’s needs are different. You’ll work with our friendly corporate staff to find the perfect balance during the discovery process. However, some numbers are (almost) always true.

Explaining the Numbers

The infographic above features several numbers you can count on when learning about TSS Photography franchises. Let’s break those numbers down.

  • Each month you’ll put $0* into keeping your software updated. That’s right, all updates are free right now. Most of the software is web-based so you get updates instantly.

  • Territory fees are paid in full when you sign your franchisee agreement and are a one-time fee. It is based on the number of people living in your territory. If you currently own a photography business which meets certain criteria, you could get a discount on these fees. You have an entire year to meet your benchmarks before paying this fee.

  • Once you get started shooting photos, the products you order will ship back to you within 24 hours of your submission to the photo lab.

  • Since most TSS Photography franchisees choose to work from an in-home office, real estate costs are non-existent. Additionally, you won’t need inventory because your products are ordered and shipped from a production facility as your orders are placed.

  • Veterans are special to TSS, and working with the VetFran program, qualifying veterans receive discounts on some fees. For example, the fee for renewal is discounted 50 percent and the territory and initial fees are discounted at least 15 percent.

  • You will find TSS Photography franchises in 40 states. Those franchise owners are a support system you can access by phone and social media when you have questions or issues come up with your new franchise.

More Than the Numbers

The decision to start a business also involves more than numbers. TSS Photography provides education in business, marketing, and photography. Their support network exists both at the corporate level and among all the franchises around the country.

If you are interested in learning more about running your own TSS Photography franchise, don’t hesitate to download the virtual brochure for more information. We’re looking forward to answering all your questions about numbers (and more)!

FranchisingSarah Burns